Hoong Hao, who also goes by Kenneth, is an MRes + PhD candidate at the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment (FIBE2 CDT). His research is dedicated to the numerical aspects of artificial ground freezing design, specifically for geotechnical and tunnelling boundary value problems. He is supervised by Prof. Giulia Viggiani and Dr. Chris Menkiti of Geotechnical Consulting Group.
In 2023, Kenneth graduated from Imperial College London with a MEng in Civil Engineering, incorporating his final year at ETH Zürich. Notably, his MEng project with the Chair of Underground Construction delved into the numerical back-analysis of deep geological repository tunnels by the Swiss National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste. At the University of Cambridge, Kenneth aims to broaden his understanding of underground construction and design.
Prior to joining FIBE2 CDT, Kenneth completed placements at Mott Macdonald and Dr Sauer & Partners. His industry experience is complemented with research experience at Tsinghua University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Progress on Kenneth’s research and past accomplishments can be found on his Github page (